Exploring the Kasbah Conservation Area in Grimsby is like stepping back in time.
But with many buildings, including the Peterson’s building, on the Buildings at Risk register and this historic port on the Heritage at Risk register, funding through the Greater Grimsby Heritage Action Zone is essential and enabling the journey of regeneration to begin.
The first stage for my clients, the Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust and their partners, is to repair and bring back into use the Grade II listed Peterson’s fish processing and smoking factory, and create a mixed-use space in Building 89 next door.
Lead Conservation Architect
As lead Conservation Architect, I’ve been busy on many fronts: I’ve led the team through the National Lottery Heritage Fund process, guided the client through the development phase, put together the Conservation Management Plan, produced a Condition Survey and Schedule of Repair Works, and developed a Management and Maintenance Plan.
Collaboration & Success
But a project like this is always a collaboration between a whole host of different teams, all of whom bring valuable skills and much-needed perspectives – in this case, Fleet and YOU&ME Architects, Appleyard & Trew quantity surveyors, Heritage Lincolnshire, and of course ENGIE and the Great Grimsby Ice Factory Trust.
We’ve successfully passed the second round of the NLHF Heritage Enterprise Grant programme, and they’re now gearing up to deliver the project on the ground. The real work is about to begin!